Saturday, September 21, 2002

doh... haven't posted in a day...
a little lapse on my part...
just realizing how lazy i am lately, even my attitude about the little work i have is pretty poor...
well, gotta get my act together...

Thursday, September 19, 2002

some great conversations on aim during "talk like a pirate" day

EJHsiao: avast ye matey!
EVilsunim: yar
EVilsunim: wsup capn hsiao
EJHsiao: 'tis be a good day to be bloggin' cap'n sumin
EVilsunim: ar
EVilsunim: so capn what ye be doin?
EJHsiao: i be adding many mates on my ship that be sailing the blogging seas of xanga
EVilsunim: yar tis good

EJHsiao: avast ye matey!
Camdren: haha
Camdren: arrr
Camdren: arr matey
EJHsiao: how be ye cap'n john?
Camdren: aye aye cap'n eric
EJHsiao: the good ship arends be faring well?
Camdren: yes
Camdren: i have my new mac
Camdren: so i be happy
Camdren: mon
Camdren: now im black
EJHsiao: yarrgh... ye be a pirate!
Camdren: haha
Camdren: argh! we're going to be telling cap'n josh that he's insane next week
Camdren: arrr
Camdren: he was telling this girl that 4 girls smiled at him yesterday
Camdren: haha
Camdren: so scary
EJHsiao: yarrgh
EJHsiao: 'tis a scary story ye be telling
Camdren: ye
Camdren: it be
Camdren: did your shipmate get his lock fixed?
EJHsiao: nay, he be workin' to be getting the piece o'eight to pay for the keys
Camdren: aye
Camdren: narry be the fool
Camdren: who leave his portal unlocked
EJHsiao: aye, this be a trustworthy saying which ye be uttering
Camdren: aye
Camdren: sailor

KungPaoJake: arr!

Auto response from EJHsiao: yarrgh... i be at class...

EJHsiao: avast ye matey

Auto response from KungPaoJake: watching....spriggan...really

EJHsiao: zounds!
EJHsiao: ye be saying spriggan??
EJHsiao: arrgh...
KungPaoJake: i be going to the bathroom
KungPaoJake: arr, have ye looked at that tharr mixnmojo site-ee?
EJHsiao: yarrgh... i be meanin' to be lookin' at thar site-ee
KungPaoJake: aye, it be a mighty good laugh
EJHsiao: in the same manner as we thus be speaking?
EJHsiao: yarrgh... the internet be slow today...
KungPaoJake: yessah
KungPaoJake: internet always be slow when ye want it fast
EJHsiao: thus be the strict code that the internet be
KungPaoJake: it be enough to drive a pirate mad!
EJHsiao: shiver me timbers!
EJHsiao: mad you say? yar!
KungPaoJake: aye, it be worse than scurvy!
EJHsiao: scurvy indeed, the internet be the dredge of the sea that be cyberspace...yar!
KungPaoJake: blubberin' barnicles they be
EJHsiao: tougher than the eight they be a piece o'
KungPaoJake: aye...
KungPaoJake: how be ye day ye land lubber?
EJHsiao: nye any different than the ordnary fare thy good cap'n....
EJHsiao: aye, 'tis a good day to be a pirate!
EJHsiao: the blogging ship i captain be seeing the fruits of piratehood this day!
EJHsiao: many a good conversation will be documented, yar!
KungPaoJake: yarr

okay, i'm just too wierd... yarr...

yarrgh...'tis late to post...

but i be discoverin' me true identity...
as Dirty Tom Cash...

who ye be?
so everyone is excited about "talk like a pirate" day, well not really

in other news i went to fat don's for the first time in a long long time, it was pretty good and i even had my first ice cream experience with the actual tubs of ice cream that you scoop yourself. as expected, it was way over-rated...

also afterwards i played video games like crazy! haha, tons of fun.. kind of a weird situation though...allow me to explain...

so the idea was to play 3rd mix DDR with margeret and she has a burned copy of it which requires a modded playstation to play it which john has. to top it all off, we're using my pads and a tv in yet a different room...

great setup, huh?

anyways, so john's psx is crucial to the equation. while in line for fat don's he receives a call from his prayer partner that maybe fat don's isn't such a good idea. john leaves with damien's car. this puts us dependent on john and only when he gets back will we be able to play 3rd mix. now there are other mixes, but none as good as 3rd mix...

so after dinner i give john a call, he doesn't pick up... we get to playing the other versions of ddr, which was pretty fun, even damien played! even a couple floor people joined in. by the time john shows up though, most of the people are too tired to play on... we went through maybe 2 songs on 3rd mix... pretty sad, but we will live to play another day! haha

so the evening concluded with some puzzle fighter and nba street, both of which are still fun to watch and fun to cheer for people.

then i cracked down and did readings from 10 to 12. i'm almost caught up, just gotta do another 6-8 pages for tomorrow

maybe i did alright, and i got my second blog sorta up and running....

Eric's Xanga Blog

this one's got some other features and you can post and comment on my entries

alright that's a ton for one entry...

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

oh man... this is just too funny not to post...

"Baur and Summers came up with this idea a few years ago. They were playing racquetball, and, as so often happens, they began talking like pirates. And then it struck them: Why not have a day when EVERYBODY talks like a pirate? They decided that the logical day would be Sept. 19, because that -- as you are no doubt aware -- is Summers' ex-wife's birthday."
-Exerpt from Dave Barry's Miami Hearld piece 9/18/02

oh man, i think i'm gonna get up early on the 18th...

here's a link to the whole article:
Dave Barry's Article

coming on the heels of the hotly debated pirates vs. ninjas, i couldn't say i didn't see this coming...

upon reading Barry's article further i have come across Sean Combs latest offering in terms of identity... Puff Doody...
now you have to ask yourself one thing Mr. Combs... did you invent the nickname? hahaha
we invented the nickname, the nickname...

okay it's waaay too late... bedtime soon...

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

so i spent my free afternoon playing unreal 2003... eh, it's an okay game, but it sucked up too much of my time, really need to play it with friends to have fun

in other news, i was complimented on my page by a blogging role model of mine. he knows who he is and his page at least gave me the vision of what a blog could be

some randomness... my roommate just came in, he's been doing the HALO thing while i've been doing the Unreal thing...
he just lay down on his bed... here's our short conversation (keep in mind it's 10:30 p.m.) :
"you going to bed now?"
"naw, i'm just gonna lie for a little while..."

well he's back up and now i've been informed there's free laundry, and that it's on the low-down (how do you spell that anyways?)...
wait, i just realize that this blog could potentially ruin free laundry... hmm...
just forget you ever came to this page... hahaha, nah... just kidding...
i have now changed my sheets in order to make more laundry for me to do. mmm...laundry...

okay, i think i've wasted enough time. i'm not behind... well actually i am, but i can catch up any time...
better get to it now though...

Monday, September 16, 2002

eh...boy am i paying for it's now into monday and i'm only now starting on hw

on a different note, happy bday to sam! appreciate the chance to procrastinate some more

now for something completely random...
"i don't have any fob socks!"
-calvin chen
(oh how the mystery continues to intrigue...)

ok, back to this hw...

Sunday, September 15, 2002

okay... so i wasted the whole saturday away...

now i'm desperately trying to salvage what little time i have left to somewhat work on my homework...
in addition to procrastinating i managed to offend someone by blowing them off...
chalk that up to my pathetic efforts to continually improve myself...

gotta keep trying still... even though i fail so miserably at times...